To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop NDAA, Patriot Act, and Civilian Drone Surveillance

Please end the assault on our personal liberties and freedom by repealing the NDAA, Patriot Act, and all Civilian Surveillance operations that are not targeted or backed by a Federal Warrant.

Why is this important?

George Bush and the Republicans initiated the erosion of our personal liberties. NDAA, Patriot Act, and Civilian Surveillance programs intended to stop terrorism have accomplished the mission of the terrorists by curtailing our Constitutionally assured liberties and striking a blow to our free and responsible society. It is time to ask our President to step in on behalf of Americans and put an end to the assault.

While most of us have not been impacted by these Acts it is only a matter of time before a Politician wields these powers in order to attack their domestic opposition. As Americans we cannot allow this to happen.
