To: Montgomery county office of children and youth and Pottstown school district, Cps and school board

Stop needless removal of children from parents for profit

Why are kids being removed for truancy and or anything not related to physical or mental abuse or neglect? The law clearly dictates this as unethical and cruel and unusual, it's time to put a stop to it!!

Why is this important?

About 6 years ago I had the misfortune out of necessity to move back to Pottstown due to a domestic abuse situation, almost immediately I began experiencing problems with the school district, they made reports to children and youth about the oddest things, they made reports that my children didn't go to school when they did, and I'm not the lay down and take it type, never have been, never will be, one of the advantages of having been a victim of domestic abuse via the courts, I've become well acquainted with the law in this area, so I'm not one that's easily pushed around in a court room, or by any power hungry people standing in abuse in their position, when taken to court, I always beat it, when the school started to realize that they could not "subdue me" by taking me to court, because I know my rights and the law, they decided to call children and youth regarding truancy, by this time we were technically homeless and covered under the McKinney-Vento act, (I had neared bother truancy cases because of this but they conned me into giving them a mailing address and then tried saying I wasnt homeless because I had an address for mail and temporary housing, which by the way, "doubling up" is still homeless under the law), children and youth proceeded to invade my life and the homes of the people I stayed with and harass and Nate and switch and next thing you know, poof, we're in court and my kids are gone after a year and a half of cooperation and following the family service plan, even though we are supposed to be covered under the special education act, McKinney-Vento act, and my children have special illnesses and mental health problems which I was managing just fine in my own until these people got involved, they are housed at Bethany children's home where my girls are not properly cared for and they're having serious health and mental health issues, and my son is exposed to daily violence and irratic behaviors of very disturbed children who are probably experiencing the same problem, on one such incident, a staff member encouraged 2 young men in the group home to beat to near death another young man because he supposedly stole the staff members SIM card, it was actually in the news, I barely see my children, at one point they had home passes, which were quickly snatched away because my daughter had a hicky, which, first of all, that's a morals or values decision between myself and my daughter, and second, visits with a parent or other family and friends should not be used as a punishment or reward, I'm lucky if I get to see my kids once a week, talk to them on the phone for 5 minutes at a time and I am in severe shock and having issues with ptsd myself as well as it's causing me physical health issues, this kind of treatment of myself and children's human and privacy rights as well as the laws bypassed or broken entirely is cruel and unusual, as well as unnecessary, given there were no proven cases of abuse or neglect on my part whatsoever, if you're as enraged as I am, are dealing with a similar issue, let's get this addressed to prevent further family and loved one alienation, if you're not enraged or bothered by this, you should be, this can and does happen to anyone, unless of course you have enough money to fight back, which of course most that this happen to do not, please join me in my fight to protect our families and freedoms!!!