To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Stop Nestle from polluting the only earth we have!

Nestle actually believes that water is NOT a universal right and that they can take whatever they need just to bottle it up and give it back to us?? And you know what happens to the bottles? We throw them into the world! This is the only earth we have!? If you think that the earth can handle all this waste, you're blind and you should start doing something because otherwise, my great great great great great grandchildren will never be able to live in the world WE all lived in, won't be able to experience fresh air or blue sky and birds singing every morning ? They will never see the beauties we all take for granted! So please help and let every one of our generation to come experience the world at its very best!!! Thank you all so much for helping.

Why is this important?

This petition is to stop the pollution that Nestle is causing!! Stop nestle from selling bottled water before they stop us from living.