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To: Chris Sununu

Stop New Hampshire Electric Coop from Spraying Herbicides Near Lakes

The New Hampshire Electric Cooperative plans to spray herbicides along the lakes to make maintaining power supply easier, but this poses a significant threat to our environment. Protect our natural resources and ensure a safer environment for all by sharing and signing this petition.

Why is this important?

We have seen the harmful effects of chemicals like Roundup, which has been linked to cancer. Spraying herbicides near our water bodies will be detrimental to the entire ecosystem around the lakes, affecting both wildlife and human health.



2024-06-04 08:07:12 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-06-03 21:00:33 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-06-03 19:57:36 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-30 13:59:38 -0400

10 signatures reached