To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Off Shore Banking Tax Relief

Repeal, retroactive to 12/1/2010, any and all tax loopholes and regulations that allow US Corporations and/or Citizens to move assets to offshore tax favorable countries and not claim global revenue and profits as INCOME. Extend accountability to Boards of Directors by making it a federal felony to knowingly support or enable schemes that clearly demonstrate the intention to move revenue and profits off shore to avoid US Corporate income taxes when the main global headquarters and corporate entity resides in the USA.

Why is this important?

I am sick of the White House, Congress, Multi-Nationals and Banks, gaming the system. Obama wants to see millionaires and billionaires pay there fair share but focuses on $250K or more??? Jeff Imelt is "his" guy and yet GE, Verizon, Google, Intel, etc. pay no TAXES!! Get the heck off our, (employed citizens), backs and hit the BIG money. OFF SHORE REVENUE
