To: Governor Mike DeWine

Stop Ohio from Executing Abdul Awkwal a Seriously Mentally Ill Man

Stop Ohio from Executing a Seriously Mentally Ill Man.

Why is this important?

Ask Republican Gov. Kasich to vote his faith -- granting a man on death row a chance to have his case heard before a court of law.

Abdul Awkal believes that he directed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, advised CIA Directors and Presidents, and warned the government about 9/11. In reality, Mr. Awkal is a seriously mentally ill individual on Ohio’s death row for the 1992 murders of his estranged wife Latife Awkal and Mahmoud Abdul-Aziz. No one sanctions murder - any murder - which is why the state should not put a mentally ill man to death. This afternoon, May 30, Governor John Kasich denied executive clemency. Without some type of intervention, the State of Ohio will execute Mr. on June 6, 2012.

A psychiatrist recently determined that Mr. Awkal does not rationally understand the reason for his execution because he believes his execution is being directed by the CIA. It is unconstitutional to execute someone as mentally ill as Mr. Awkal. Mr. Awkal’s lawyers are back in court trying to get Mr. Awkal’s execution halted, but time is running out.

Governor Kasich, we ask that you grant Mr. Awkal a reprieve so that this life or death issue can be put squarely before a court.

What can you do?

CALL the Governors Office: 614 466-3555
SHARE this petition with anyone who believes that the mentally ill should not be executed.
