To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop Outsourcing Jobs

I am asking you, as my elected representative in Congress - to vote against the job-killing trade deals with Korea, Panama and Colombia.
These deals are bad for America – and a disaster for our economy. These flawed deals will cost thousands of jobs in our district, and adversely affect the lives of our families, friends and neighbors. It’s why the majority of Americans strongly oppose these trade deals.
I respectfully ask that you register your opposition to these deals and Vote No.

Why is this important?

Join with the American Jobs Alliance in fighting for jobs in America.

Congress will soon vote on job-killing trade agreements with Korea, Panama and Colombia.

These deals are like NAFTA and will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, and adversely affect the lives of workers and farmers, here and abroad.
Congress has a chance to stand up for jobs in the United States. We're calling on Congress to reject these treaties.