To: Joe DeFeo, Horry County Board of Education Chairman, Harvey Eisner, Karen McIlrath, Jimmy Washington, Kay Loftus, Janice Morreale, Pam Timms, Janet Graham, John Poston, David Cox, Neil James, and Jeffrey Garland

Stop overcrowding our elementary schools

Ocean Bay Middle School is overcrowded so the school board is strongly considering keeping 6th graders at the elementary schools next year which will result in overcrowding AGAIN for all 3 elementary schools.

It could also mean Carolina Forest area 6th graders will not receive the same middle school experience (such as choosing electives, etc.) as their 6th grade peers throughout Horry County.

If you oppose this position please sign this petition so that other options might be explored. The board votes this Monday and plans to make their final decision after this vote.

Why is this important?

If sixth grade is added to the elementary schools, the schools would be right back into the same situation we just corrected -- Ocean Bay Middle overcrowding issues would be solved, but it would be at the expense of three elementary schools which will be over capacity again. We need a better solution.

Please sign, COMMENT and share if you agree.