To: The United States Senate

Stop Paul Ryan's American Health Care Act

This petition is to urge everyone to sign AGAINST the current proposed "repeal and replace" legislation that Paul Ryan is pushing through the committees in the House of Representatives. We must send a strong message to the U.S. Senate to VOTE NO.

Why is this important?

The Paul Ryan American Health Care Act would eliminate approximately 15 MILLION people that currently have healthcare insurance to once again being WITHOUT healthcare insurance.

The Paul Ryan American Health Care Act would ELIMINATE federal monies designated to each State's Medicaid program to help cover the cost of citizens in that state being added for healthcare coverage.

The Paul Ryan American Health Care Act would FORCE local hospitals to treat individuals ONLY through the emergency rooms across American and in rural communities would FORCE hospitals to close.

The Paul Ryan American Health Care Act includes an "age tax" that would force Americans age 50 to 64 to pay THOUSANDS more for health care.

The Paul Ryan American Health Care Act weakens Medicare – that could open the door to benefit cuts or turning Medicare into vouchers that would NOT provide enough funds to actual receive health insurance coverage.

Between the age tax and the reduced tax credits, premiums will soar, especially for persons 50 to 65 years of age, and rate hikes could be as high as $8,000 more just to keep the same coverage.

And, the Paul Ryan American Health Care Act takes the LIMITS off how much MORE insurance companies can charge older Americans going from 3% to over 5% for the cost of the monthly premiums.

Finally, the Paul Ryan American Health Care Act DOES NOT REQUIRE that mental health services be provided, nor preventative health services.

These are just a few of the problems in Paul Ryan's American Health Care Act. Does this sound like it going to help or hurt you, or someone you love?