To: Wayne Budrus, Chief of perations, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop picking on Government workers

Stop picking on Government workers

Why is this important?

The employees of the federal government at Local 1938 out of the Army Corps of Engineers (Huntington District) have had cuts in all aspects and would like to have some back. We have been without uniforms for over a year because the program has been dropped. We would like to have it back so we can be distinguished from the public. The Volunteer program the Huntington office has provides hats and corp shirts so they can be distinguished but nothing for its employees. We as Local 1938 feel this is wrong and would like to have our uniform program back. We also would like for our government officials to stop cutting our benefits we now have and give us back our pay raise we have not had in years along with a cost of living. We work hard to meet the demands of the public and are finding it very hard with the cuts our government officials are coming up with. We feel if the Government need to cut the budget down it stop giving money overseas to benefit the rich who are sending jobs overseas and start taking better care of people at home.
