Stop Political Committees from Pretending to Be Social Betterment Charities

Ever since Citizen's United, a 501(c)(4) organization, won its case against the FEC, this allowed 501(c)(4)'s to spend as much as they want in elections without the restrictions that a 527 PAC has. This is NOT okay and it can easily be fixed by IRS enforcement of standing tax laws. Remember the ruling said that the FEC could not stop a 501(c)(4) from spending money in elections because it is infringing their first amendment rights, the last high court case of the IRS fighting 501(c)(4) for political spending, the court ruled that as long as political spending wasn't its primary function, it was allowed. We can't stop 501(c)(4)'s from flooding our elections, but the IRS does have the power to revoke an organization's 501(c)(4) filing status on the grounds that they do not meet the criteria of a 501(c)(4) if most of their money is getting spent in politics. This lessens the damage of the Citizen's United problem, and brings proper light on this recent "IRS Scandal." I fully understand the irony of posting this petition on the website of a 501(c)(4) organization that is very integrated in politics. I hope everyone who sees this understands that this fact about MoveOn is deplorable. I wish organizations like this would not play the same dirty game and then claim to be "progressive" at the same time.

Why is this important?

The main problem with the recent "IRS Scandal" is not so much that conservative groups were "targeted" (only 25% of the scruitinized groups had TEA Party or Patriot in the name) it is that the IRS has become complicit with organizations that should be 527's filing as 501(c)(4)'s.
