To: The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, and Governor Ron DeSantis

Stop Privatizing Medicaid

Medicaid by private providers does not work. Doctors and patients are constantly turned down for routine services in Florida. Most doctors do not even accept Medicaid due to difficulty with getting these profit driven companies to pay for services. It's time we stood up to the profiteers and put Medicaid back under a government that will respond to patient needs.

Why is this important?

I am disabled and am constantly denied services from Medicaid that my doctors feel that I need. I have mechanical heart valves and Medicaid refuses to pay for PT/INR checks to monitor my blood thickness due to blood thinners that I have to take for the rest of my life. I also need shots in my knees for crippling arthritis and Medicaid always turn me down. I have a pacemaker and Medicaid paid for a machine to monitor my heart activity but refused to pay for the monthly charge that sends the information to the doctor.