To: The South Carolina State House and Governor Henry McMaster

STOP Proposed Bill H3478

STOP Proposed Bill H3478. House Bill 3478 would impose state testing on all homeschool students in both the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools (SCAIHS) and all homeschool associations, as well as, eliminate membership in a homeschool association as an option for complying with the compulsory attendance law.

Why is this important?

I homeshool my two daughters. Homeschool students are not instructed using the same curriculum as public school students, yet they would be tested on material that is different from what is taught. Even worse, this bill would eliminate membership in a homeschool association as an option for complying with the compulsory attendance law. There is no justification for taking this option away from thousands of law-abiding homeschool families and destroying the livelihood of those who administer these associations. We are being targeted.
