To: Randy Rusielewicz, Patchogue-Medford High School Principal, Michael Hynes, Patchogue Medford Superintendant, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Stop Public Schools from Usurping the Role of Parents

Local public school boards, Principals, and Site Based Management Teams should never agree to allow the showing of cinematic media that is inclusive of content that goes against the discretion of parents, especially when the psychological and emotional welfare of minors are at stake. Parents should always be given notice well in advice, which inquires and requires their permission.

Why is this important?

Our tenth grade son was subjected to faulty curricular planning by his history teacher as she was allowed to present a movie with nudity and sexual content without the knowledge of my wife and I. Local public school boards, Principals, and Site Based Management Teams should never agree to allow the showing of cinematic media that is inclusive of content that goes against the discretion of parents, especially when the psychological and emotional welfare of minors are at stake. Parents should always be given notice well in advance, which inquires and requires their permission.
