To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo
Stop punishing Panama Central School Students & taxpayers
Stop the punishment of Panama Central School students, families, & tax payers caused by the recently disclosed & imposed 4.9 million dollar fines by NYS. These fines were & are out of the control of the tax payers ability to have prevented & we the people, believe, will harm many, rather than help in any way to further the purpose of higher education & can cripple the already over burdened tax payers of a very depressed region of NYS. Stop punishing our children for a very human mistake.
Why is this important?
This petition is related to NYS fining our small, poorer socioeconomically speaking school district to the tune of 4.9 million dollars because of a past clerical error related to funding that was applied for & used for our school district maintenance needs & improvements. All applied for funds were used appropriately, but because some simple paperwork was missed or not filed at right time, the children & taxpayers will now suffer at the hands of our government in NYS. We the tax payers & other school district taxpayers are outraged & see no way this will help, but rather will hurt our students & families here & will not further education. Please reverse & waive these fines that we feel will cripple our struggling community & also prevent such punitive actions in the future towards other innocent students, families, & tax payers. Taxpayers & students who never had knowledge of or control over such events leading to this punishment. We wish to prevent future punishments of the same nature from happening as well.