To: Brian Rosenberg, President of Macalester College

Macalester College: Stop punishing student activists and kick Wells Fargo off campus!

Macalester College: Drop the punishment for student activists and kick Wells Fargo off campus!

Why is this important?

Last month, a group of student activists at Minnesota's Macalester College held a peaceful sit in to demand the school stop doing business with Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo is the bank responsible for the most foreclosures in Minnesota, and Macalester uses the bank for cards that employees use to buy services or supplies for the school.

Now the administration is punishing the student activists who took part in the sit-in--saying they aren't allowed to study abroad or participate in student government, sports, or internships. This overly-harsh punishment is out of step with Macalester's long tradition of student activism and free speech on campus.

Stand in solidarity with Macalester students and alums and sign this petition telling the administration to drop this punishment and kick Wells Fargo off campus!

If you're a Macalester alumni, sign the alumni pledge here:

