To: The United States House of Representatives

Stop Radiation Emitting AMR "smart" Electric, Water and Gas Meters!

Please sign the following petition. We are being lied to by electric, water and gas utility companies across the United States who are saying that AMR (automatic reading) "smart" utility meters are safe.
At this point the utility companies know that people are being injured by this unprecedented, untested and unregulated new technology, but too many billions of dollars have been spent on this for them to admit it.
It is now up to us, the people of this country to stop this health and environmental disaster from spreading. Please sign this petition.

Why is this important?

AMR (automatic reading) "smart" electric, water and gas utility meters are a dangerous boondoggle. These meters are being forced on homes and buildings across the U.S. by utility companies.
There is a flaw in the design of AMR meters which causes dangerous levels of pulsed microwave radiation to run through wiring and electrical equipment. This radiation is spewing throughout homes and neighborhoods.
Although the utility companies would like us to believe that AMR meters are "green", this is not true. They were invented 20-30 years ago only to get rid of meter reader jobs and to save the utilities money.
People across the U.S. are being injured by this unprecedented, untested and unregulated radiation.
This must stop.
