To: Larry Pollick, School Director, Stephen P. Puskar, School Director, Glenna Renaldi, School Director, Annetta Jursa, School Director, Kathleen Haas, School Director, Elizabeth Moretti, School Director, Salvatore Conte, School Director, Ji...

Stop Renovations at Colfax

Demand a motion be made to end talks of renovations at Colfax Upper Elementary School, until a comprehensive examination of all options available to the Allegheny Valley School District dealing with school grounds and renovations take place, along with a study on the educational impact of those choices are completed, in order to make a fiscally responsible decision for the community

Why is this important?

The Allegheny Valley School District is considering starting renovations at Colfax upper elementary that will cost an estimated $6.4 million. The other solution is to renovate the other two existing schools to compensate for the students at Colfax, which will cost half of what it costs to renovate Colfax. The means for funding these renovations include increasing taxes, obtaining bonds, and taking from various school funds (including technology). It is the purpose of this petition to demonstrate the public opposition to renovating Colfax, and to highlight the need for a definite plan of action before committing to a decision that will affect everybody from student to community member.