To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Republican obstructionism, led by Sen Mitch McConnell of Tennesse in the senate and by John Boehner of Ohio in the House, has held up many bills such as the President Obama's Jobs Bill package. This bill would help our economy and help many folks who are suffering right now with unemployment and reduced work hours. We need living wage jobs in this country RIGHT NOW! Let Mitch McConnell and John Boehner know that what they are doing through fillibuster and obstruction is hurting the country. Let them know that by their obstructionism that they are NOT being good Americans. Let them know that their goal of keeping President Obama a one term President, something Sen. McConnell is proud of stating, is really hurting our country and is a treasonist statement!
Why is this important?
Republican obstructionism, led by Sen Mitch McConnell of Tennesse in the senate and by John Boehner of Ohio in the House, has held up many bills such as the President Obama's Jobs Bill package. This bill would help our economy and help many folks who are suffering right now with unemployment and reduced work hours. We need living wage jobs in this country RIGHT NOW! Let Mitch McConnell and John Boehner know that what they are doing through fillibuster and obstruction is hurting the country. Let them know that by their obstructionism that they are NOT being good Americans. Let them know that their goal of keeping President Obama a one term President, something Sen. McConnell is proud of stating, is really hurting our country and is a treasonist statement!