To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

STOP Senate Bill Seeks to Extinguish Navajo and Hopi Water Rights

Stop Senate Bill 2109 45

Navajo and Hopi water and public health have already been damaged severely by past uranium and coal mining in and upstream of Navajo and Hopi communities. Senators Kyl and McCain are trying now to take away all rightful legal protections against the present and real danger of such contaminations occurring again.

Why is this important?

Senate Bill Seeks to Extinguish Navajo and Hopi Water Rights - NativeNewsNetwork

TUBA CITY, ARIZONA – Senators Jon Kyl, Arizona - R, and John McCain, Arizona - R, will be in Tuba City on Thursday, April 5, 2012, to persuade Navajo Nation and Hopi Tribal leaders to give up their peoples' aboriginal and Treaty-guaranteed priority Water Rights by accepting a "Settlement Agreement" written to benefit some of the West's most powerful mining and energy corporations.