To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop shut down the whistleblowers!

o -set the world

Why is this important?

World peace
I have never been working on this issue before, I work as regrested nurse in Sweden.

To create a world without nuclear weapons.

The countries who suggest other countries to lay down there nueclear weapons, have to have systems that stick to all ethical and high moral , the principles from old times. All systems should by my opinion follow the norms. They doesnt do that´today.
Today "wistleblowers" like Julian Assange, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden is shut down becaurse they point on the systems who is failing.They did not do anything more than used there courage to put the light on failures the system done.To make them to the problems is wrong way.

If the world shall have a change, all countries need to admit the omission and make a change so the other countries can se with trust on the vestworld and understand there is a good intention behind the messages.
How should it be possible to get a solution fast as the situation demands?
To accapt that people in the system did thing's as was not so good for the human race.Instead of trying to hide it.
There is always a caurse for everything and we are all under some kind of influence, so the rest of the world have to learn to forgive people that did wrong.
We have to create a 0-leavel for blame in the same time clean all systems to the better and work with the principals as we know from oldtimes.
Sorry for my broken enghish and thank you for reading. Have a nice day all of you and thank you for working for a better planet.
