To: Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Stop Siphoning Taxpayer Money to Fund Privately Owned Charter Schools

Say No to Taxpayer Funding For Corporate Run Charter Schools.

Why is this important?

The Michigan Legislature with its Emergency Manager Mandate, is in the process of turning our public school system into a privately owned education system, kind of like our current Health Care System. It sounds good at first, but the reality, if we give in to this now, is that soon we will have no say on who is teaching our children or what they are learning. Our taxes are already being diverted to these (some out-of-state) "schools". We have no jurisdiction over a corporation. There has already been talk of doing away with actual school buildings and making the curriculum entirely online. Sign this petition to Governor Rick Snyder telling him we want our taxes to stay with our PUBLIC SCHOOLS. We want to keep our school boards and teachers. We welcome free enterprise corporate controlled schools, but not with our tax dollars, and not as a Government mandate.
