To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Stop Social Safety net Cuts
Dear Rep Frankel,
As a resident of the state of Florida, it has come to my attention that you have not agreed to vote against any cuts to the social safety programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security or any other program that will affect the average American citizens due to the sequester. A majority of these people that rely on these services will be thrown into abject poverty if you vote to cut dollars from these programs.
I believe that it is abhorrent to ask the poor and middle class to bear the brunt of the budget cuts, while still giving tax breaks to the oil and gas industries, and keep tax loopholes alive for corporate giants. The corporate tax rate is the lowest that it has been for thirty years, do not balance the budget on the backs of people that are already struggling.
As a resident of the state of Florida, it has come to my attention that you have not agreed to vote against any cuts to the social safety programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security or any other program that will affect the average American citizens due to the sequester. A majority of these people that rely on these services will be thrown into abject poverty if you vote to cut dollars from these programs.
I believe that it is abhorrent to ask the poor and middle class to bear the brunt of the budget cuts, while still giving tax breaks to the oil and gas industries, and keep tax loopholes alive for corporate giants. The corporate tax rate is the lowest that it has been for thirty years, do not balance the budget on the backs of people that are already struggling.
Why is this important?
This petition is in regards to the upcoming sequester that is due to hit funding for various departments in government March 1st. This petition is to urge Rep Frankel in Florida to vote against the slashing of Medicare, Medi-cade, Social Security, Food Safety inspectors, and any other service that will affect the medical class come sequestration.