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To: The Massachusetts State Senate

Stop Social Security and Medicare Cuts

Stop the proposed Social Security and Medicare Cuts, keep tax cuts for the 98% and for the top 2% to pay their fair share.Tax increases for income earners above $250,000. Give tax breaks to companies that provide jobs, not those who cut jobs.

Why is this important?

President Obama made an offer to Republican John Boehner to cut Social Security benefits and leave in place some of the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%. As the rich get rich the poor get poorer, and as the years pass a cuts will increase thereafter. Retirees will loose benefits that cover medicine, food, and other daily necessities. We need to protect every citizens' health and prosperity. We need to urge the Senate to reject this proposal and protect Social Security. As a member in Massachusetts, we all can make a difference by launching a petition to Senator John Kerry and Majority Leader Reid.



2022-07-21 12:53:52 -0400

10 signatures reached