To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop SOPA From Destroying the Internet

Stop SOPA from destroying the internet.

Why is this important?

SOPA is threatening the internet as we know it. Sites that support any form of file sharing such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and even joke websites such as FunnyJunk, MemeBase, and 9Gag will all be blacked out if SOPA is passed. SOPA will destroy the internet, not only for Americans, but for the world and for anyone on this planet with a computer. America doesn't own the internet, no one country does, and SOPA is arrogant to think that we can control a global research and networking device. If SOPA is passed, the world will suffer from it. We cant force our laws on the entire planet, let alone something as infinite and beautiful as the internet. Please don't let SOPA ruin the internet for the world. You have the power to stop them.