There should be regulation regarding how much mark up staffing agencies can make off temporary workers, particularly if federal funds are paid to these entities.
Why is this important?
Reference to President Obama's speech today 12/10/12 in Michigan, regarding the "right to work" not necessarily implying low wages, I am crying out against staffing agencies which rip off poor and desperate workers seeking to come back to the workforce. For example, if a person works for a staffing agency that has a contract with the Federal government, the staffing agency can make a mark-up (profit) of up to or more than 41% off what it is paid by the federal agency. In turn, from the worker's sweat, he or she is only paid only 51%! This happens to many poor, recently unemployed folks and it is exploitative and equal to modern day slavery. It needs to stop. Contractors of Federal agencies must be held to a higher standard.