To: Jack Schnirman, City Manager, Scott J. Mandel, City Council President, Fran Adelson, Len Torres, and John C. McLaughlin
The City of Long Beach appears to be using Hurricane Sandy to quietly begin another wave of over development to the detriment of residents and homeowners throughout the City starting with the Canals. On March 22 2013, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a developer the right to subdivide a property, in the Canals, zoned for a single one family home and replace it with two houses on two substandard lots ignoring the zoning laws in effect for more than 25 years. Ignoring the objection o fmany residents, this board released its decision without explanation or finding of fact in law. At the April 2 2013 Council meeting residents asked the Counci lto take legal action to oppose the Board's decision. The Corporation Council spoke stating the Council could take no legal action or discuss the case because an Article 78 appeal had been filed to reverse the Board’s decision. The decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals is arbitrary and capricious. There is no Finding of Fact provided and is contrary to previous decisions of the Board as well as the historical origin and intent of the law to stop any further subdivisions of property in the Canals”. Please help bring a halt to this egregious abuse of power and stop the push for overdevelopment throughout the City. Sign this petition and call city manager Jack Schnirman at 516-431-3321 and voice your concerns. Thank you!
Why is this important?
Preserving the character and density of the Long Beach Canals Area. Granting subdivisions to developers in opposition to current zoning laws.