To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Subsidizing Conventional Farming, Subsidize Organic Instead

Stop funding corporate interests with conventional farming subsidies, re-direct that money to sustainable organic farming instead.

Why is this important?

Billions of tax dollars are spent on farm subsidies every year. While these subsidies may originally have helped small farmers, they are now helping huge factory farms and big business to poison the American population with toxic food like corn fed beef, polyunsaturated vegetable oils, high fructose corn syrup and corn, soy and wheat fillers. The economic and health consequences of this are huge.

If we took the current funding for farm subsidies and re-directed this to subsidizing organic farming instead, this would help the environment and economy by supporting small, sustainable farming practices, and improve our national health by providing affordable access to healthy food to American families.