To: Ed Collins, District Ranger, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, AZ and Gerry Brownlow, Navajo County Supervisor, AZ, Jim Zornes, Forest Supervisor, Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, AZ

Stop Target Shooting Next to Our Subdivision

Stop allowing target shooting at the Pat Mullen Cinder Pit. This is just 1/4 mile from our subdivision and creates a threat to our health, safety, and right to a peaceful, quiet life.

Why is this important?

The Pat Mullen Cinder Pit is just 1/4 mile from our house. We cannot safely hike that way anymore, since the target shooting has escalated, nor do we enjoy the peace and quiet in our own home that should be our right. The shooting goes on all hours of the day, every day of the week, and includes semi-automatic weapons. The shooters shoot at targets including garbage and live trees (which are now dead or dying) and leave all kinds of litter behind, including lead bullets and shell casings.
