To: Governor Greg Abbott

Stop Texans from Paying Governor Perry's Security Expenses from his presidential Campaign

Texas Taypayers should not have to pay for Governor Perry's Career ambitions but Texans have been billed $2.2 million in out-of-state travel expenses for Gov. Rick Perry's security detail since his November 2010 re-election, including his failed presidential bid and other trips ranging from vacations to state business and political gatherings, according to updated figures released Friday.

Why is this important?

Texas Taypayers should not have to pay for Governor Perry's Career ambitions but Texans have been billed $2.2 million in out-of-state travel expenses for Gov. Rick Perry's security detail since his November 2010 re-election, including his failed presidential bid and other trips ranging from vacations to state business and political gatherings, according to updated figures released Friday.
