To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Stop Texassure Program

Sign here to end hypocrisy in texas government!

Why is this important?

Its a prime example of big business in government here in texas. it is another tool used by big business to force people to buy insurance or else. they say obama's healthcare plan would require a person to buy health insurance, this system will ensure you do the same with auto insurance which is way more expensive for most. I think its unconstitutional and the insurace companies here in texas are padding the pockets of the officials for implementation of the program, here is what is quoted on the site" TexasSure Vehicle Insurance Verification
Can't Afford Auto Insurance?

We can all think of other things we’d rather do with our hard-earned money than pay insurance premiums. But if you’re going to drive, you owe it to yourself and everyone else on the road to be insured. If you’re in an accident (and statistics point to a one in three chance you will be), having that insurance card will make your life a whole lot easier.

By the way, did we mention that the law requires you to carry insurance? It’s true, but you only have to carry liability insurance, which pays to repair or replace the other driver’s car and/or pay for their medical expenses in the event of an accident. (Liability insurance does not pay to repair or replace your car or pay for your injuries.) The minimum liability insurance required in Texas covers $30,000 for each injured person (up to a total of $60,000 per accident) and $25,000 for property damage.

So, how do you get insurance? The following links will take you to documents that can help you on that quest:

" this is crazy, if we are required to by auto insurance why not healthcare?