To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the 3 strike law against non violent felony offenders

Serving a life sentence for 3 felony non violent convictions is unjust. Not only does that cost tax payers dollars but it costs a man his life, a wife her husband and a child their father. Implement reform education or training instead. This is a better, less cost outcome then incarceration

Why is this important?

Help keep non violent offenders and their families from doing a life sentence. Put our tax dollars to better use. Reform prisoners that are non violent by offering GED's classes or training for a job. I am a wife of a man who faces a life sentence for 3 non violent felonies. I am a mother of 3 grade school children who are going to loose their father for the rest of our lives. Let's make a change for the better, help by signing this petition to support the crime must fit the punishment. Stop the 3 strike law for non violent offenders
