To: Eric Anderson, Principal, Jennifer Talbot, WSD School Board President, Claudia De Robles, WSD School Board member, Robert Sealby, WSD School Board member, Walter Newman, WSD School Board member, and Laura Jaecks, WSD School Board member

Stop the 4 x 4 block schedule at Wenatchee HS!

The Wenatchee High School should convene a new, well-rounded schedule committee that will represent a broad range of teachers, students and parents. This committee should engage in a transparent and thorough process to arrive at a schedule/curriculum solution that is best for our high school.

Why is this important?

As parents, students, teachers and members of the community we are alarmed to learn that a supposedly "final" decision to radically change the Wenatchee High School schedule was undertaken behind closed doors and with zero input from parents and students. This is more than a "schedule change." It is a decision to condense year-long classes into one semester, resulting in 37 fewer instructional hours per class. It's a decision to create potential gaps of 8-12 months between classes in subjects like math and foreign language. It's a decision to disrupt and possibly threaten the viability of year-long programs like Band, Mariachi, AVID, Choir, Orchestra, DECA, Sports Medicine and The Apple Leaf. A decision of this magnitude should not be undertaken by a committee of only teachers and administrators. Such a significant change in the delivery and content of curriculum should instead be implemented only after careful planning and the recommended 1-2 years of staff and curriculum development. The Wenatchee High School should convene a new, well-rounded committee that will represent a broad range of students, parents and teachers and engage in a transparent process to arrive at a solution that is best for our high school.
