To: President Donald Trump and Eduardo Bhatia, President of the Puerto Rico Senate

Stop the AEE (PREPA) monopoly in Puerto Rico!

Let's put an end to the AEE's monopoly. We deserve to choose who serves our electricity!

Why is this important?

For far too long there have been too many problems with the AEE. The most recent crisis, an island-wide blackout lasting a FULL week for many. In a TRUE democracy, we should have the choice between various companies competing to deliver LOWER rates, modern technology, real customer service and better salaries for their employees. The goal of this petition is to change our present situation: a virtual monopoly of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA - AEE). We need the freedom to choose who provides the services we want at the rates we choose. Puerto Rico deserves only the best.

Everyone who does sign this petition remember our goal is to provide solutions to lower your energy bill rates. You may not agree with healthy competition, however if you agree with the fact that the government of Puerto Rico should find various ways to implement LOWER RATES for our energy bill, you should definitely sign this petition.
