To: The Ohio State House and The Ohio State Senate
Stop the Attacks on Public Education In Ohio
I strongly oppose the expansion of charter schools and the "parent trigger" provision included in HB 59. These changes help corporations and for-profit education companies - but there is no proof that these policies do anything to improve our children's education.
Please stand with parents and children, not with ALEC and corporate interests. Protect public education - oppose the expansion of charter schools and the "parent trigger" law.
Please stand with parents and children, not with ALEC and corporate interests. Protect public education - oppose the expansion of charter schools and the "parent trigger" law.
Why is this important?
The Ohio legislature is considering a budget bill that includes the expansion of charter schools and a "parent trigger" provision. These laws siphon money away from public education and make it easier to shut down public schools and convert them into for-profit private schools.
Across the country "parent trigger" laws have not been shown to improve educational outcomes for students. All these laws do is help ALEC-backed corporations make money off of our kids.
Across the country "parent trigger" laws have not been shown to improve educational outcomes for students. All these laws do is help ALEC-backed corporations make money off of our kids.