To: Angela Merkel, IMF, and President Donald Trump

Stop the Austerity Measures in Europe; reverse demands urged by Germany on Greece

Since the economic downturn in 2008, although most western countries struggled the vulnerable took an unimaginable hit. Being in the E.U. gave some countries the excuse to take over in a colonizing fashion the affairs of other countries who were thought to have sovereignty. By implementing austerity measures, the goal was to pay off debts and stabilize the countries' economies. What we have seen unraveling however is the punishing of innocent citizens because the Greek government for example was irresponsible and for nations such as Germany lying to its people and the people of Greece that "the Greeks are lazy and work less hours than the rest of Europe." This is factually wrong and discriminatory. It is also an excuse for them to gain economic control over Greece as well as buy off privatize resources that were free or paid to the government domestic governments. If EU is so concerned with fixing their economic situation why are they driving countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy into poverty. The unemployment, suicide, homeless and crime rates have all increasing at staggering rates in countries that had the lowest of all of these compared the others in Europe. How is that all these countries are in a Union but only Germany is at a surplus while the others are suffering in ways they never saw coming and Germany has all of a sudden become rules of the fates of these countries. Germany needs to be careful because they infamous for the attempt to seize control during WWII yet they are now doing in a different way; through the economy. This is an economic war and for this, its is a more difficult war to fight because we cannot see the enemy face to face.

The are protests everyday for the suffering of these people due to lack of jobs, cuts in social programs and lack of opportunities for the new generations. How can we Europe unified when only some of the North is thriving and the mediterranean is being colonized like Africa historically. no to austerity measures yes to each nation gaining sovereignty and looking out for the people and not for the pockets of the banks. All nations are guilty of overspending and accruing debt yet the vulnerable nations are dying.

Problem: austerity measures have cause unemployment in countries like spain greece and portugal to be over 50% for youth, wages have all been slashed, economis have shrank by about 20%, hundreds of thousands of business have shut down driving people deeper into poverty, social programs have been hit causing a health crisis, education crisis, and human rights crisis. Crime rate due to hunger has tripled. Suicides have quadrupled in some countries. And this has had a reverse effect on a thriving economy and caused a grim future for young people. These countries are now added to the list of impoverished countries vulnerable to the manipulation and abuse of other more economically powerful countries, companies, and other private entities.

Solution: The european union, Germany especially, the IMF and other organizations involved in the impoverishment of European nations such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy need to change their ways. An uproar has already started on the streets of these nations so lets go further with it.

Why is this important?

Problem: austerity measures and the occupation of sovereign nations by foreign entities manipulating countries for the purpose of economic gain at the expense of hard working citizens Solution: The european union, Germany especially, the IMF and other organizations involved in the impoverishment of European nations such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy need to change their ways. An uproar has already started on the streets of these nations so lets go further with it.
