To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the BLM Mustang Massacre

Stop funding the tortore and massacre of our wild horses and burros . Through mustang protection laws of the 1970s, the people of the US have already demonstrated that they want these heritage animals protected; it's the law. BLM is wiping out the herds and replacing them with cattle; who, unlike horses, graze in a way that destroys the range. Manage wild horses with chemical birth control in the wild. This is not only more humane, it will cost pennies whereas the taxpayer now is unwillingly spending millions to harrass and kill our national heritage animals. Stop the violent roundups and stop sending these magnificent animals to slaugher houses in Mexico and Canada. There are now more mustangs in BLM holding pens than in the wild. Stop this now before they become extinct.

Why is this important?

The Bureau of Land Management is "managing" mustangs and burros in the west into extinction through hideously brutal roundups (chasing baby horses until their hooves come off), illenss and death in unhealthy holding facilites, and ultimate transfer to slaughterhouses in Mexico and Canada. There are public laws in place to protect and preserve our wild heritage horses; but there is so much corruption that the laws are not being enforced. BLM is wiping out the horses to make way for more cows (which the taxpayer subsidises through cheap grazing rights) and oil and gas pipelines. Wild horses are not starving or overpopulated; that is BLM propaganda. Willd horses don't destroy the range, it's the thousands of cows that the Bureau (of cow management?) has dumped on our public land who are pulling up plant roots when they graze - horses don't. And of course it costs millions to torture and kill these horses and pennies to manage them humanely in the wild using birth control darting. Tell Congress to enforce the laws protecting wild horses, stop all roundups and slaughter, and manage wild horses humanely and cost effectively in the wild.