To: Bristol Tennessee Beer Board, Jack Hyder, City Attorney, and Joel Staton, Bristol TN Mayor

Stop the Bristol's House of Harmony - Honky Tonk

Stop the licensing of Bristol's House of Harmony (Honky Tonk) in a residential neighborhood in the City of Bristol, TN. We the undersigned residents are opposed to this facility operating where it is located.

Why is this important?

This facility is located in the center of a residential neighborhood, and the additional traffic late at night by people that have been drinking is a detriment to our neighborhood and community. This facility, calling itself a "music venue" is simply a night club/honky tonk featuring live local bands and the service of alcohol and brown bagging of alcohol. This type of facility is not conducive to a residential area. There are additional environmental quality issues with the interior of the building that need to be addressed.
