To: Gregg Abbott, A. G. of Texas, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Stop THE DEATH TAX, and Seizure of all Property in and Estate.

"Stop the death Tax" which includes putting a Tax on Medicaid Patients and it runs about $50,000 a year(directed toward low-income citizens). Payable to the State of Texas upon their death.
The Texas Legislature bill includes authorizing the seizure of all property in an estate, including homes, to pay the amount of Medicaid provided for patients. The Family will lose their inheritance if their love one is in the nursing home.

Why is this important?

My Aunt Ivory Ellis was placed in the nursing home against her well after being in the hospital. When the family located her in the nursing home, Harris County Guardianship was contacted. The Harris County Guardianship Program mislead the Courts about contacting the next of kin. Harris County was appointed as guardian over Mrs. Ivory Ellis. But at this point Sherry Fox( over the Guardianship Program, and Dana Dexler (appointed lawyer for Harris County) refuses to release Ms. Ivory Ellis to the care of her family. Harris County, stated to the family "YOU MAY HAVE THE PERSON BUT NOT THE ESTATE."
They have take all of Ivory Ellis property and her Estate. The State of Texas is making million's of dollars off the estate of our young at heart. Please help Cancel this bill.