To: President Goodluck Jonathan, President, Federal Republic of Nigeria

Stop the execution of those innocent soldiers protesting against lack of weapons to fight Boko...

It is true that soldiering is a business of death. But the court of equity must rise up to help the weak wherever the law becomes an ass. Maximum penalty for mutiny in Nigeria is death. Can we take a protest against a senior military officer as mutiny against Nigeria? In a country where Aesop’s quote: “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office” is the norm, Nigerians and the world must call into question the recent death sentence handed down on the 12 rank and file soldiers who protested against their Commander in the heart of the Boko haram insurgency in Borno State. If these soldiers have no good reason for their action, why was the said GOC retired recently?

Why is this important?

We are starting this petition to stop the execution of the innocent soldiers in Nigeria who are accused of mutiny.