To: Andrew Joyce, Albany County Legislature Chairman/ District 9, Lucille M. McKnight, Albany County Legislator District 1, Merton D. Simpson, Albany County Legislator District 2, Wanda F. Willingham, Albany County Legislature District 3, No...

Stop the Expanded Ban on Polystyrene Products in Albany County

Stop the expanded ban that will force all food service establishments to purchase alternatives at 2 - 4 times the cost, making it costly for consumers.

Why is this important?

On August 13th the Albany County Legislature will vote on Local Law L/Resolution #228, which will ban all Albany County food service establishments and restaurants from using foam take out containers, foam trays, foam cups and other polystyrene products. Help defeat the ban that will force all food service establishments to purchase alternatives at 2 - 4 times the cost, negatively impacting businesses and consumers.

We urge all Albany County Legislators to vote against this proposal on Monday, August 13th at 6:30 p.m. at the Albany Legislative Chambers, located at the Albany County Court House, 16 Eagle St, 2nd FL. Albany, N.Y. 12207. This petition will be present at the hearing.