To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop the failed war on drugs now!

Prohibition Failed, as has the current war on drugs. The only thing this failed policy is doing is causing pain, death, and well as fattening up the pockets of Law enforcement Agencies.
The billion dollars A YEAR SPENT ON ENFORCEMENT ALONE COULD BE BETTER SPENT in helping those who truly wanted to quit.
Legalize all drugs and tax them, and the revenue will prove the ignorance of this policy. There will be a substantial decrease in all drug related crime, as it will remove the need for drug addicts to steal and rob and deal drugs to support their habit, exactly as happened when Prohibition was repealed.

Why is this important?

People are dying all over Mexico, due to the Cartels making so much money supplying illegal drugs. Prohibition Failed, so has the war on drugs.
More people die from tobacco related Cancers every year, than from all illegal drugs combined. And the US is wasting over a billion a year on enforcement alone!!