To: President Donald Trump, The Arizona State House, The Arizona State Senate, Governor Doug Ducey, and The United States Senate

Stop the Furloughs, Retirement Reductions, Benefits Cuts & Pay Freezes of Federal Employees!!

Stop Targeting Federal Employees with: Benefits Cuts, Retirement Reductions, Furloughs and Pay Freezes! Please sign this petition if you care about your country & the services you will lose due to these unnecessary cuts that will save the country nothing in the end.

Why is this important?

I am a Civil Servant for the past 10 years (GS-5) and every dollar that is cut from my benefits means I have to pay for the difference. At GS-5 level that makes a big difference as I don't make 100k/year. The furloughs will cut my pay 13% this year and that's hard when your supporting a family. 20 billion in sequester savings (at most) will not make a difference in a multi-trillion dollar budget deficit. Look elsewhere and stop targeting Federal Civil Servants by using us as scapegoats for every financial problem this country has.
