To: The Government of the Dominican Republic

Stop the Genocide in the Dominican Republic

On September 23, 2013, the Dominican Republic's constitutional court retroactively stripped away the citizenship of several generations of Dominican citizens of Haitian descent, in violation of the country's constitution and the basic human rights of those affected.

The ruling will deprive hundreds of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent of nationality, leaving such individuals stateless and without access to basic services for which identity documents are required.

Since the adoption of this villainous and racist decision, there has been an outbreak of violence targeting Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent in the Dominican Republic. Knowing the history of violence of Dominicans toward Haitians and their descendants, it is important that the world stand up NOW to prevent a second genocide in the Dominican Republic. The first one, commonly referred to as the Parsley Massacre, occurred in October 1937, during the term of dictator Rafael Trujillo, when an estimated 20,000 Haitians were killed in the Dominican Republic in the span of five days.

Haitian Americans for Progress is calling on the rest of the world to join our efforts in total boycott of the Dominican tourism industry, by doing the following:

—Stop traveling to the Dominican Republic for business or tourism.
—Sign this petition and ask your friends and family to do the same.
—Call the cruise lines and tell them it is immoral to keep the Dominican Republic on their itineraries.
—Join all protests aiming at denouncing the genocide in the making in D.R.

Why is this important?

What is happening is the Dominican Republic is quickly turning into a human tragedy. We think it is urgent that the rest of the world give a quick response to the Dominican Republic.