To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Stop the GOP Attack on Single Moms!

A new bill proposed by Republicans in Congress would allow male employers to fire women who became pregnant out of wedlock. If Republicans get their way, male employers will be given legal protections for trying to control women’s bodies.

Join me in telling Republicans in Congress that it's time to stop playing politics with women's livelihoods and that they need to reject this bill!

Why is this important?

I know from experience that being a single mother isn’t easy. We already face discrimination and inequality. For most single moms, a job is the only thing keeping their families out of poverty.

Now Republicans want to make it easy for a boss to fire a single mom or a pregnant woman on a whim. That’s not fair. That’s not right.

Add your name and join me in telling Republicans they need to reject this bill!
