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To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Rep. Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA-1), and Sen. Kamala Harris (CA-2)

Stop The Hate! Help get Donald Trump listed as a dangerous extremist

Donald Trump is not a racist. Donald Trump is an extremist. Donald Trump's current ideology and rhetoric of hatred must not be normalized as ordinary.

Please reach accross party lines and come together to lessen his hatred. America is a great country. In the words of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., "Never forget, everything Hitler did in Germany was legal."

Why is this important?

After watching Donald Trump on ABC's Kelly and Michael, it occurred to me I had never seen hatred celebrated and welcomed on network TV with enthusiasm; the idea that radical and extreme hatred and intolerance is being normalized with a warm welcome is appalling.



2021-07-30 16:08:58 -0400

10 signatures reached