To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Stop the JOBS Bill!

Dear Senator:
This petition is to request that you vote NO on the Jumpstart Our Business Startup (JOBS) Bill that is scheduled to be debated on the Senate floor this week. This Bill is not about JOBS, it is about reducing regulation and accountability of Wall Street. There is no part of this Bill that should be passed by our Senate and we implore you to vote NO.

Why is this important?

The Jumpstart our Business Startups bill that is poised to pass the Senate is an abomination and an insult to the American people. This bill was strategically named to fool the people into believing that there is some part of it that will actually create jobs. It creates nothing more than the complete and utter abdication by our lawmakers of their fundamental responsibility to the people of the United States. This bill destroys regulations on Wall Street that protect us. The Senate has the opportunity to stop this bill it its tracks. Please call your Senator and voice your opposition to this horrific bill. Call, fax, email your Senator. Then call the White House so it is clear that JOBS are for people, NOT Wall Street.