To: The New York State Senate and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Stop The Killing

After the Death of 43 yr. old Eric Garner father of 6, of Staten Island there should be no more senseless killings due to careless and irresponsible acts of police officers. Police are to protect and serve not destroy innocent lives.

Why is this important?

It devastates the public of all races and religions to see fellow citizens blatantly killed for no reason other than a misdemeanor. If a person is instructing an officer that they cannot breathe and begging for their life, literally or fictitiously, they should be at the very least: ASKED, or QUESTIONED do you have a medical condition? Police must be made to respect the people they are hired to serve regardless of their race, religion, or creed! And held to a higher standard when these regulations are in fact broken! Please show your support now by signing this Petition.
