To: The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

Stop the kkk from rallying at the Statehouse

Stop the North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan should not be allowed to rally at the State House on July 18 ,2015 in Columbia, SC, because they represent racism and hate.

Why is this important?

It is important that the North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan should not be allowed to rally at the State House on July 18, 2015, in Columbia, SC, because they represent racism and hate towards Africa America. They are known for killing African-American and burning down black churches. Their presence is negative energy and the people of Columbia SC already going through enough hate and racism as it is. After the hate crime that took nine African Americas lives at a church in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17, 2015, six historical African America churches had been set on fire in the past two weeks. A couple of people have already been arrested at the Statehouse.

A rally at this time is a bad idea. People should support this petition because this rally will follow our state for years to come, and we as a state should not want to be connected to a gang as hateful as the KKK. We are afraid for our safety also the well-being of the historical African Americans churches we have here in the city of Columbia. This will make a big different in our state because they are not wanted here. By not allowing the Ku Klux Klan to come to our state and rally will keep some of the gangs and Black Panthers that are also planning to show up on the 18 of July away. It will also allow the people of Columbia SC time to grieve and heal from all the tragedies that have taken place in the last month.
