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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop the Lies!

Please help reverse the 1964 and 1967 laws that allow people to lie and slander public officials and public figures without being sued unless the burden of intentional malice is met. A democracy needs the truth to survive. As Arianna Huffington said,"It is not about right or left, it is about right and wrong.!"

Why is this important?

How can a democracy survive when it is perfectly legal to lie and slander a public figure? Please sign my petition to reverse the 1964 Supreme Court decision that if you are a public official, you are not protected by the defamation laws. In 1967, they were expanded to include all public figures. Now people believe that if it is said on TV or the radio, it has to be true. Which is simply not true. They can and do lie.



2022-01-02 21:05:07 -0500

10 signatures reached